Mohamed Shebl Group for
Engineering and Contracting (T.C.C)
was established in 1999 as a specialized company in the fields of
engineering and Contracting
About Us
How can we help you?
Mohamed Shebl Group for Engineering and Contracting (T.C.C) is a contracting company that specializes in thefields of engineering and construction. The company provides a wide range of services in various sectors, Its services are designed to cater to the needs of its clients by using the latest technologies and equipment to ensure the highest levels of quality, safety, and occupational health.
General construction
electromechanical contracting
facilities management
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News from Our Company
Craftsmen at work
Morbi eu ante mollis, elementum tortor in, hendrerit libero. Maecenas feugiat rhoncus magna, at consequat libero dictum eget. Donec gravida
Must-have gear
Ut et lacus ex. Aliquam dignissim mauris sit amet purus convallis, vitae vehicula lectus tincidunt. Nulla placerat imperdiet condimentum. Quisque
Hello world!
Quisque dictum eros nisl, a maximus massa accumsan non. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque at finibus dui. Praesent…
Our Clients!
We are proud to serve more than 400 clients.